Community Reviewer Levels

This page provides information regarding Community Reviewer levels and who is qualified for certain level

Community Reviewer Levels

Fund12 has three levels of Community Reviewers: LV0, LV1, and LV2. All reviewers can provide their opinions in precisely the same way as each other. The difference is that more experienced reviewers have more opportunities to support Catalyst processes and receive rewards.

LV0 - LV0 Community Reviewers are ALL new reviewers and less experienced reviewers. Consider yourself on the ground floor, and Catalyst wants you to get used to performing the role. LV0 reviewers will share in a pot of reward incentives. The larger the pool of LV0 reviews and reviewers, the less per review each reviewer will receive. LV0 Reviewers will be invited to review up to 30 proposals. They will be allocated a set of proposals to review based on proposals across the entire fund (unable to choose specific Fund categories).

LV1 - LV1 Reviewers have already performed a substantial number of reviews. LV1 Reviewers will be invited to review up to 80 proposals and will be allocated an initial set of proposals to review based on category preferences selected during the registration process.

LV2 - LV2 Reviewers (Community Moderators) will perform a Community “Moderator” function to check any reviews flagged by the Catalyst scripts. Community Moderators will not alter the review or the scores provided by the Community Reviewers, meaning reviewers shouldn’t feel afraid to provide honest opinions and objective scores. Instead, Community Moderators are asked whether reviews flagged by the Catalyst scripts should be published or discarded altogether. Community Moderators will also perform a random spot check on a small percentage of reviews submitted by LV0 and LV1 reviewers. In Fund12, each LV0 and LV1 review selected for moderation will be checked by a minimum of two LV2 Community Moderators.

How do I progress through the Community Reviewer levels?

For Fund12: For each previously held Proposal Assessor (PA) ID, based on the past performance of old funds, the relative percentage of valid assessments submitted that were either Excellent OR Good is a qualifying factor to determine an LV0, LV1, or LV2 Community Review level.

This parameter allows setting a minimum % of valid assessments to qualify previously held PA IDs in Fund12. To qualify as an LV1 in Fund12, a previously held PA ID must have completed a minimum of 30 reviews with a threshold of at least 80% valid assessments submitted from their work from F6 to F11. Additionally, active in at least 2 funds between F6 and F11 as LV0/LV1 (active means submitted at least 1 valid review). To qualify as an LV2 in Fund12, this threshold is set at 30 reviews with at least 90% valid assessments submitted from their work from F6 to F11. Moreover, LV2 should be active in F10 and in F11 as LV0/LV1 reviewer, meaning that at least 1 valid review was submitted. In Fund12, Cardano Ambassadors have also been invited to participate in LV2 Moderation as they have already been recognized as capable Cardano community contributors, helping encourage others to keep within the Cardano Community code of conduct.

After Fund12, a retrospective will be held to learn how the new Community Review stage operated in practice and determine where the community participation levels can be further refined based on the data collected. This will help to determine what the starting lines and ways to progress through the levels should be for the next funding round.

As part of our commitment to ensuring the security and integrity of the review process, we have implemented an automated script to monitor and analyze various factors and unusual activity. Reviewers may be automatically excluded from participating if specific security concerns are identified, such as the probability of holding multiple accounts. Additionally, Reviewers acting not according to the Fund Rules and/or Terms and Conditions may also be excluded at any point in time.

Last updated