How do I progress through the Community Reviewer levels?

For Fund10

For each previously held Proposal Assessor (PA) ID, based on the past performance of old funds, the relative percentage of valid assessments submitted that were either Excellent OR Good, is a qualifying factor to determine a LV0, LV1, or LV2 Community Review level.

This parameter allows setting a minimum % of valid assessments to qualify previously held PA IDs in Fund10. In order to qualify as a LV1 in Fund10, a previously held PA ID must have completed a minimum of 10 reviews with a threshold of at least 70% valid assessments submitted from their total work. In order to qualify as a LV2 in Fund10, this threshold is set at 20 reviews with at least 80% valid assessments submitted from their total work and active participation as PA in the last fund (F9) is required. In Fund10 Cardano Ambassadors have also been invited to participate in LV2 Moderation as they have already been recognized as capable Cardano community contributors, helping encourage others to keep within Cardano Community code of conduct.

After Fund10

A retrospective should be held to learn how the new Community Review stage operated in practice and determine where the community participation levels can be further refined based on the data collected. This will help to determine what the starting lines and ways to progress through the levels should be for the next funding round.

Last updated