How to use the Milestone module - recording
Last updated
Last updated
Below you will find a recording on how to use the milestone module recorded in Fund10. We are continually gathering feedback from Milestone Module users in previous funds and have introduced new features to the current version Module not presented in the recording, including:
Email notification whenever a user action is needed:
For Funded Projects:
when a milestone/PoA needs to be submitted
when a milestone/PoA has been refused and needs to be resubmitted
For Milestone Reviewers:
when a milestone or PoA has been submitted or resubmitted and needs to be reviewed
A chat function to enable reviewers and FPs to chat with each other directly in the module
3. Change request in the milestone module that is visible to everyone
0:01 - Intro
0:21 - Glossary of terms
1:17 - Explanation of roles in the recording
1:27 - FP login into the Milestone Module
1:59 - Explanation of available tabs in the Milestone Module
3:02 - FP submits milestone
4:19 - FP resubmits the milestone
5:30 - Project dashboard
6:05 - First Milestone Reviewer submits review (doesn’t approve submitted milestone)
7:58 - Second Milestone Reviewer submits review (approves submitted milestone)
9:16 - FP see received reviews and resubmits the milestone
11:04 - First Milestone Reviewer approves resubmitted milestone
12:12 - Second Milestone Reviewer approves resubmitted milestone
13:06 - FP see approved milestone
13:45 - Catalyst Team sign off user locks the milestone
14:27 - FP submits PoA
15:48 - First Milestone Reviewer approves PoA
18:02 - Second Milestone Reviewer approves PoA
19:13 - FP see approved PoA
19:58 - Catalyst Team sign off user locks PoA