Milestone Module - FAQ

  1. Can I create an account?

You can’t create an account. The Catalyst Team will activate one for you. You will need to rest the password after the first login.

  1. How can I edit a milestone in SoM before approval?

You can’t, you have to resubmit a new milestone and the last submission becomes the active one. This enables a clear track record of all submissions and reviewers can focus on the active submission only.

  1. How can I edit a PoA before approval?

You can’t; you must resubmit a new PoA, and the last submission becomes the active one. This enables a clear track record of all submissions, and reviewers can only focus on the active submission.

  1. What if I have a technical problem?

Please contact us at

  1. Who can see the milestones and PoA that I submitted?

Generally speaking, all documentation shared by Funded Projects in connection with their project, including Statements of Milestones and Proof of Achievement documents will be publicly available. In case of commercially sensitive information, Funded Projects must arrange a meeting with the appointed Milestone Reviewer and Catalyst Team to discuss what information can be made publicly available to ensure sufficient disclosure that informs the Catalyst team and the wider community of the project's progress.

  1. I want to review a specific proposal, but I do not see the button. What should I do?

You have to be assigned to a specific proposal to be able to review it. Once assigned, you will be able to submit a review and receive notifications about the proposal.

  1. What does it mean to be β€œapproved by Catalyst Team sign off user”?

It means that a submission (e.g. milestones in SoM or PoA) has been reviewed, approved, and locked. No further modifications are allowed. This enables preparation of the data needed by the Catalyst Team to execute subsequent payment for FP.

  1. What if I would like to change something with a SoM already locked?

Please follow this change request process.

  1. Will we receive notification via email?

Email notification is sent whenever a user action is needed:

  • For Funded Projects:

    • when a milestone/PoA needs to be submitted

    • when a milestone/PoA has been refused and needs to be resubmitted

  • For Milestone Reviewers:

    • when a milestone or PoA has been submitted or resubmitted and needs to be reviewed

Last updated