Milestone Reviewer using the Milestone module
Milestone Reviewers are asked to review all milestones and supporting information and consider whether the SoM sufficiently lays out a clear path to project delivery, based on what was voted for and approved by the Cardano Community during Project Catalyst’s governance stage.
Once Milestone Reviewers have reviewed all milestones in the SoM, they are asked to indicate whether or not the milestones were satisfactory, with supporting comments for the SoM to be included in the project file.
PoA process
Once a project has completed a milestone, they submit a PoA. Milestone Reviewers receive email notification and notifications in the Milestone module To do list/Updates area to review it. For more information about what constitutes good evidence and PoA, review here.
Actions that Milestone Reviewers can carry out in the module
Milestone Reviewers can carry out the following actions using the Milestone module:
Milestone Reviewer can review milestones
Milestone Reviewer can review PoA
Milestone Reviewer can resubmit review for milestones
Milestone Reviewer can resubmit review for PoA
Milestone Reviewer can review milestones
Once a milestone is submitted by FP, the Milestone Reviewer will receive email notification and notifications in the Milestone module’s To-do list/Updates area.
Reviewers must use the Open Milestone button to start the milestone review process and fill in the relevant fields. Once reviewed, the milestone to review will disappear from the To-do list/Updates area.
Clicking Submit review for this Milestone reveals new fields. Reviewers may decide which part of the milestone should be approved by ticking the checkbox and adding comments. If some part is not approved, the checkbox shouldn’t be ticked, and comments should be added.
Milestone Reviewer can review a PoA
Once FP submits a PoA for the milestone, the Milestone Reviewer can review the evidence submitted for PoA.
Milestone Reviewer will receive notifications in the Milestone module’s To-do list/Updates area and email notification.
Milestone Reviewers must review a PoA using the Open Proof of Achievement button. Once reviewed, the button will disappear from the notifications.
The Open Proof of Achievement button reveals a new field to fulfill.
Milestone Reviewer can resubmit review for milestones
A Milestone Reviewer can edit/change the review using the Resubmit review for this Milestone button. If a review is resubmitted, the previous one will be archived. The review can't be resubmitted once the Catalyst Team approves the milestone sign-off.
Milestone Reviewer can resubmit review for PoA
Milestone Reviewer can edit/change the review using the Resubmit review for this Proof of Achievement button. If a review is resubmitted, the previous one will be archived. Once PoA is approved by the Catalyst Team sign-off user, the review can’t be resubmitted.
Last updated