Key dates

This page contains key dates for Milestone Reviewers during the onboarding

By July 17th EOD UTC - Milestone Reviewers should create accounts in the Milestone Module

17-21 July progressively - Catalyst Team will assign Milestone Reviewers to specific projects in the Milestone Module (allocation process depends on completion of onboarding form by Funded Projects)

By July 22nd EOD UTC - Milestone Reviewers should check if assigned projects are visible, and inform the Catalyst Team about being unable to review specific projects via email. If the Catalyst Team is not informed by this date, then it would mean for Catalyst Team that each assigned project will be reviewed

From July 17th to August 4th EOD UTC - Milestone Reviewers should check email notifications daily to see if there are any milestones submissions/resubmissions to review

By August 4 EOD UTC - All submitted/resubmitted milestones in SoM must be reviewed

Last updated