DMCA FAQ Catalyst
What can I do if my copyrighted content is being displayed on Project Catalyst (
The information below is provided for general information purposes only and is not legal advice. If you have any questions about this information or your specific intellectual property (IP) rights or situation, please consult with a professional legal counsel.
As stated in our Terms of Use, content that infringes copyrights of others will be delisted or removed from the Project Catalyst site.
If you have a good faith belief that your copyrights are infringed on the Project Catalyst site, please complete and submit a Takedown Request Form to request that an item or items be taken down due to alleged infringement.
Please note that you must be the copyright owner or the copyright owner’s legal representative (such as an agent or attorney) to file this Takedown Request Form on behalf of the copyright owner. We are unable to process your submitted Takedown Request Form if you are not the copyright owner or the copyright owner’s legal representative.
With respect to copyright infringement, we have a notice and takedown process for such infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), which is the United States law governing claims concerning copyright-protected materials being distributed online. This process allows copyright owners or their permitted legal representatives to report content that they believe in good faith infringes their copyright. The Takedown Request Form is also part of this process. If your claim is outside the United States, we may also evaluate it under applicable local copyright laws.
We will evaluate the submitted Takedown Request Form for authenticity and whether it fulfills the requirements of the DMCA and/or other requirements. We may email you requesting additional information, and request that you respond to our email so we can continue reviewing your submitted Form. If the submitted Takedown Request Form is authentic and complete and the reported content is on the Project Catalyst site, we will delist the allegedly infringing content. Please note we do not make determinations as to the legal merit of infringement claims.
If we delist an item or items due to alleged copyright infringement, we will notify you using the email address that you provided in the submitted Takedown Request Form. If we have an email address on file for the creator of the delisted content, and the creator opted to receive emails from us, we will forward to the creator a copy of the submitted Form with any personally identifying information (PII) redacted, along with instructions for filing a counter-notice to our DMCA Agent at (Attn: Legal - DMCA). Additionally, we will email the owner of the delisted content that the item(s) has been delisted, provided that we have the owner’s email on file and the owner has opted to receive emails from us.
Can the owner of the delisted content file a counter-notice, and if so, what happens next?
The DMCA allows the copyright owner or the copyright owner’s legal representative of the alleged infringing content to submit a counter-notice affirming their good faith belief that the alleged infringing content was delisted or removed due to a misidentification or mistake. Please note that we are unable to process the counter-notice if the submitter is not the copyright owner or the copyright owner’s legal representative of the alleged infringing content, or if the counter-notice is incomplete.
If we receive a counter-notice, we will review it for authenticity and completeness, and may send an email requesting for additional information. If the counter-notice is authentic and complete, we will forward the submitted counter-notice to the person/entity who filed the Takedown Request Form. If such person/entity does not notify us with proof within ten (10) business days of receiving the counter-notice that such person/entity has filed a legal action seeking a court order to prevent the affected owner of the alleged infringing content from having the allegedly infringing content being reinstated or restored on the Project Catalyst site, the content will be reinstated. Such proof can be, for example, a copy of the filed compliant with a state or federal court.
Please note that under the DMCA false statements in the DMCA Notice, Takedown Request Form or counter-notice may lead to civil or criminal penalties. Thus, keep this in mind when determining whether to file a DMCA Notice, Takedown Request Form or counter-notice. Also, if you have any questions regarding the above, please consult with a professional legal counsel.
Furthermore, by submitting a DMCA Notice or Takedown Request Form, you understand and agree that you shall be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, any of the IOG Entities incurs as a result of any misrepresentation made in connection with the removal or disabling of access to the alleged infringing material.
How can I file a Takedown Request Form, DMCA notice or counter-notice via email or mail?
To request a copyright takedown request you can either submit a Takedown Request Form or email IOG at You may also submit a request in mail to IOGs copyright Agent:
Input Output Global, Inc.
2015 Ionosphere Street, Suite 201
Longmont, Colorado 80504 USA
Attn: Legal Department, c/o Tobias Weas
Please note that sending your DMCA Notice or Takedown Request form via email or mail may take longer to process and must include all the required information.
4. What information do I need to include in my takedown request?
The information required includes:
A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
Requester must be the lawful IP rights owner or a legally authorized representative. If a representative, an electronic signature authorizing the representation;
Requester Name, Address, Phone number, and email address;
Identification of the copyright work that is infringed upon. A link to the copyright owner's work representing ownership;
Identification of the material claimed to be infringing which is requested for take down. Include a link where the infringing material is located;
Statement that the work is infringing on your intellectual property;
Sign off that the information in the request is accurate, and under penalty and perjury, that you are authorized to act on the rights of the alleged infringed;
Last updated