How to create a Statement of Milestones - guide for Funded Proposers

  • Provide a straightforward list of the things you will make / the tasks you will do in this milestone.

  • Use a numbered list. In acceptance criteria and evidence of milestone completion sections number things in a corresponding way.

  • Provide only outputs for which you can provide evidence of completion.

  • Make sure your outputs match your original proposal as stated in the Ideascale.

  • Make sure that you are able to provide evidence for the output within a given time frame, don’t underestimate/overestimate the timeline.

Acceptance criteria

Acceptance criteria is linked to the outcomes you described in the outputs section. It should describe a way by which it could be judged that output has been achieved, e.g. for a milestone relating to creation of video lectures, acceptance criteria might be to release 10 instructional videos per month.

Below you may find useful tips on how to describe acceptance criteria:

  • Use target numbers to understand when the task is achieved, e.g. how many people you will onboard, how many views your social media post will get.

  • Include at least one acceptance criteria for each output to show how certain output is measured to be achieved. If it is not possible to provide that, then probably it shouldn’t be included as an output at all.

  • Do not provide qualitative measures e.g. “Our written material will be well-organized”. Such statements are impossible to assess, as everyone can perceive qualitative measures in different ways, and as a result, lead to possible disapproval.

  • Use the same number as used in the output section, so that it would be easy to understand that this acceptance criteria refers to this specific output.

Evidence of milestone completion

Evidence of milestone completion is a way, by which you prove, that the milestone has been completed. Evidence is linked to your output and acceptance criteria, e.g. output is video lectures, acceptance criteria is to release 10 instructional videos per month and evidence for it will be instructional videos posted on Youtube channel.

Below you may find useful tips on how to describe acceptance criteria:

  • Make sure your evidence proves what you stated in outputs and acceptance criteria sections.

  • Use the same number for evidence of the specific output as you used in the outputs and acceptance criteria section, so that it would be easy to understand that all of them are connected.

  • Remember to include a piece of evidence for each output. If you can’t evidence something, you should remove it.

  • Be realistic. Don’t commit yourself to more evidence than you need to demonstrate that you’ve achieved your milestone.

  • Secure permission to share sensitive data (e.g phone numbers, emails etc). Milestone Module is publicly accessible and data against GDPR policy can’t be published.

  • If a piece of your evidence is confidential, it can be submitted via a video call with Milestone Reviewers and this fact should be described in the evidence section.

General rules

  • Keep it succinct and focus on the most important details.

  • If you have significantly changed the milestones in your original proposal, add a note to explain why. In some cases it may require submission of a Change request.

  • Be specific and do not leave any room for interpretation.

Example of acceptable SoM:

Project 1100206

Project 1100074

This guideline was crafted with insights from the document provided by Catalyst Milestone Reviewers. It's a high value resource, carefully capturing all the essential details from their perspective. We're truly grateful for the collaborative effort within the community.

Last updated