Key dates

16 July 2024

F12 Results Announced

18 July 2024

Intro email to Funded Projects (FP)

21 July 2024

Deadline FP onboarding form

23 July 2024

Attend one FP onboarding celebration meeting (9 AM/4 PM UTC time slots)

F12 Onboarding Session A - 23 July 2024, 9 AM UTC

F12 Onboarding Session B - 23 July 2024, 4 PM UTC

29 July 2024

To complete formal due diligence requirements

Test transaction confirmation

17 July 2024* - 21 July 2024

Statement of Milestones formulation

21 July - 4 Aug 2024 EOD UTC

Statement of Milestones approvals

*The FP user account in the Milestone Module allowing FPs to submit their SoM is created only once the FP has completed and submitted their onboarding form.

Last updated