Community Reviewers Levels
In Fund10, there are three levels of Community Reviewers: LV0, LV1, and LV2.
All reviewers are able to provide their opinions in exactly the same way as each other. The difference being is that for more experienced reviewers, there are more opportunities to support Catalyst processes and receive rewards.
LV0 Community Reviewers are ALL new reviewers and less experienced reviewers.
Consider yourself at the ground floor and Catalyst wants you to get used to performing the role. LV0 reviewers will share in a pot of rewards incentives. The larger the pool of LV0 reviews and reviewers, the less per review each reviewer will receive. LV0 Reviewers will be invited to review up to 30 proposals and will be allocated an initial set of proposals to review based on proposals across the entire fund (unable to choose specific challenges).
LV1 Reviewers have already performed a substantial number of reviews.
LV1 Reviewers will be invited to review up to 80 proposals and will be allocated an initial set of proposals to review based on challenge preferences selected during the registration process.
LV2 Reviewers (Community Moderators) will perform a Community “Moderator” function to check any reviews that have been flagged by the Catalyst scripts.
Community Moderators will not alter the review or the scores provided by the Community Reviewers meaning reviewers shouldn’t feel afraid to provide honest opinions and objective scores. Instead Community Moderators are asked to make a determination whether reviews that were flagged by the Catalyst scripts should be published or discarded altogether. Community Moderators will also perform a random spot check on a small percentage of total reviews submitted by LV0 and LV1 reviewers. In Fund10 each LV0 and LV1 review that is selected for moderation will be checked by a minimum of two LV2 Community Moderators.
Last updated