Community roles rewards

Voters rewards

  1. All the Voters that re-registered in F10 and have rewards calculated to be more than 1 ada, will receive their rewards in the week of October 30, 2023.

  2. Voters who:

    • Have rewards calculated to be less than β‚³1

    • Haven’t re-registered in F10 (no ada payment address in the registration transaction)

will not lose their rewards. Unpayable rewards will be rolled up between funds and will be distributed within the next Fund rewards disbursement.

Community Reviews rewards

Changes to original parameters are following:

  1. Minimum number of reviews for LV0 and LV1 to receive rewards - previously 10, now 0 - all valid work will be rewarded

  2. Rewards for LV0 +50% (previously β‚³17, now β‚³25 per review)

  3. Rewards for LV1 +50% (previously β‚³33 ada, now β‚³50 per review)

  4. Rewards for LV2 +36% (previously β‚³5, now β‚³6.8)

  5. Everyone is going to be rewarded regardless of participation levels

Community Review rewards will be paid in the week of October 30, 2023.

Outstanding cases (e.g. lack of ada wallet in IdeaScale profile, changed email) will be contacted and handled individually and paid at a later date once case issues are closed (rewards will always be paid in primary distribution only).

Challenge Teams rewards

Challenge Team will be paid completely in the week of October 30, 2023, as all CT members already delivered their deliverables.

Milestone Reviewers rewards

Milestone Reviewers rewards are delivered monthly in the primary distribution in the week of November 13, 2023. Rewards are paid for signed-off SoM and PoA. If SoM/PoA is rejected and the Milestone Reviewer has to review it again, they will be paid only once for certain SoM or PoA.

Rewards for SoM and PoA review:

  • SoM review: β‚³350

  • PoA review if project is <= β‚³150,000: β‚³200

  • PoA review if project is >= β‚³150,000: β‚³250

In case of any significant issues with the above-mentioned rewards, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at, and we will deal with them in following days.

Last updated