Onboarding session A

Presentation slides - link here

Video recording - link here

Video timestamps:

0:00 Intro and Agenda:

1:56 Key Dates

05:52 What is Statement of Milestones (SoM)?

6:26 What is Proof of Achievement (PoA)?

7:01 Milestone Module

10:02 Your Role as a Milestone Reviewer (MR)

15:48 Best Practices

18:16 Milestone Reviewer Rewards

19:23 Q&A

Q&A questions with timestamps:

20:01 Will we receive the identity verification process by email?

20:45 What does the status pending mean under the Fund 13 aggregated file under the moderators tab?

21:32 How many proposals allocated to Milestone Reviewers?

22:05 Why is Milestone Reviewer rewards not visible for each reviewer in payment messages?

25:00 Are you planning to extend deadline beyond the 12th of January?

26:27 It is only 3 Milestone Reviewers per Partner category proposal?

28:10 Has anyone been terminated from reviewer role? Especially from a technical perspective and I am not technical?

32:13 Do I need to make changes to profile if I have been a reviewer before?

34:12 If the projects have fallen behind, is it appropriate to ask them and be proactive instead of waiting for PoA to come in? Also do we let the Catalyst team know?

36:23 If two milestones are submitted close to each other and the first one one has two approvals but the Catalyst Team has not reviewed the PoA yet of the first, can we go ahead and review the next milestone submitted in the interim?

38:25 If you already completed identity verification for proposal evaluation, are there any additional actions required from the reviewers side?

38:45 Is there a way to prevent the Milestone Reviewer to review their own proposal?

40:40 December 20th will start getting assigned projects. Do we need to keep checking when we need to start reviewing?

42:13 What is the cause of the Project Catalyst Team rejecting a PoA even if two of the reviewers approved?

Last updated