Rules to be followed by Community Moderators (LV2)
All reviews should be provided to voters if a Community Moderator has good reason not to include it.
Community Moderators are anticipated to approve many flagged reviews and will be retained for voters to consider.
Moderators are there to provide a sanity check to verify if the flag(s) have raised a valid concern.
Moderators should use their best judgment and give a reason if they agree the flag is valid, meaning the review should not be included.
Most reviews will be displayed in the voting application, meaning only those legitimately flagged and tagged by LV2 Moderators will not be included.
A simple majority forms a consensus about including the review or not. In a scenario whereby 2 moderators (or an equal number of moderators on each side of the decision) do not form a consensus about including the review, then the benefit of the doubt will be given and the review included.
In a scenario where only 1 moderator checks a review, the Catalyst will fulfill the second necessary moderation
In a scenario where flagged or spot-checked reviews go without moderation by either LV2 moderators allocated to check, the Catalyst team will fulfill the moderation duty.
Last updated