Funded Proposer using the Milestone module
Actions that FP can carry out in the Milestone module
Submit new milestones
Review Milestone Reviewer feedback
Resubmit milestones to supersede existing milestone (if is not locked yet)
Submit PoA
Resubmit PoA to supersede existing PoA (if PoA is not locked yet)
Submit new milestone
During the onboarding phase, FP will have to correlate project proposals to specified milestones (complete number of milestones submitted in the project which create Statement of Milestones).
When selecting the Submit new Milestone button, the form will be pre-filled. Some validation rules available in F11 apply to ensure correctness.
Review Milestone Reviewers feedback
FP may review the project dashboard to see which milestones and PoA were approved/not approved.
All notifications will be visible in the To do list/Updates.
Milestone Reviewers feedback will be visible on the project dashboard. From there, FP will be easily able to see if milestones and PoA were approved/refused and if milestones were approved/partially approved/not approved. If FP has to resubmit milestone, will receive email notification.
Milestone approved
If both Milestone Reviewers completely approved the milestone, FP will see a notification below on the project dashboard. FP will have to wait once the milestone is approved by the Catalyst Team sign off user to submit PoA.
Milestone partially approved
If one Milestone Reviewer accepts the milestone but another refuses, the milestone is considered to be partially approved. In this situation, FP will see a notification below and has to resubmit the milestone as per Milestone Reviewers’ comments. FP will also receive email notification.
Milestone not approved
If both Milestone Reviewers don’t approve the milestone, it will be refused. In this situation, FP will see the notification below on the project dashboard and must resubmit the milestone. FP will also receive email notification.
Resubmit milestones
If there is a refusal, it will be displayed on the project dashboard, and the FP will receive email notification and a notification in the Milestone module to-do list/updates area.
In such a situation, FP may submit a new milestone to replace the previous one in such a situation by clicking the Resubmit Milestone button. Form to fulfill will appear with a button Clone latest submission, which can be used to prefill the form with previously submitted information. Once a milestone is resubmitted, it will be reviewed again. This feedback loop continues until all reviewers approve it. The Catalyst Team sign-off user locks the milestone for further submissions.
FP can resubmit any milestone within SoM that is not yet closed. Once approved by the Catalyst Team sign-off user, the button to submit the milestone will disappear, and a green Approved by Catalyst Team sign-off user on button will become visible. All previous submissions and related reviews are visible on the project dashboard as an archived version.
Once each milestone is approved by both the Milestone Reviewers and the Catalyst Team, the milestone in the SoM will be locked, and no further changes can be made unless a milestone change request is submitted.
See this section for more information about submitting change requests.
Submit Proof of Achievement
FP may begin to submit PoA once every milestone in the SoM is approved by both Milestone Reviewers and by the Catalyst Team sign-off user. The Submit New Proof of Achievement button will appear on the milestone page, along with the field to be filled.
Once the PoA is approved by the Milestone Reviewers, FP will receive a notification in the to-do list/updates, visible on the project dashboard.
If the PoA is not approved, FP will receive a notification in the to-do list/Updates section, visible on the project dashboard. FP will also receive email notification.
Resubmit PoA to supersede existing PoA
FP may resubmit a PoA if it was not approved by any Catalyst Team sign-off user. The FP may resubmit a PoA using the Resubmit PoA button.
Resubmitting PoA means that it will go through the review process again.
Once the PoA is resubmitted, it will be visible on the milestone page, and the previous PoA submission will be archived.
Once the PoA is approved by a Catalyst Team sign-off user, it will be locked. When locked, a PoA can no longer be resubmitted, and the button Resubmit Proof of Achievement will disappear.
Last updated