Voting registration minimal requirements

These are the pre-requisites you need to have in order to participate

  • Minimum requirement of 500 ADA

  • Prior to registration, you must install the latest version of the Catalyst Voting application on your mobile device.

  • Registration must be completed before the snapshot date.

  • Note: there is a registration fee of 0.17 - 0.18 ADA

If you registered before Fund10, you will need to reregister to receive rewards

Important info

  • If you registered in Fund4, Fund5, Fund6, Fund7, Fund8, Fund9 and/or Fund10 and were able to cast votes - your registration will be automatically valid for Fund11 to cast votes but not to receive rewards (provided you still have your QR and PIN code you don't need to re-register). This does not apply to Fund2 or Fund3 registrations.

  • Your voting power will be updated during the new snapshot.

  • Please note that iPhone 6 and before are not supported.

  • Regardless of your wallet, each registration will provide you with a unique QR and PIN code. These must absolutely be saved. No QR code saved, no vote! No PIN code saved, no vote!

Last updated