Voting registration minimal requirements
These are the pre-requisites you need to have in order to participate
Minimum requirement of 500 ADA
Prior to registration, you must install the latest version of the Catalyst Voting application on your mobile device.
Download Voting App
Android users: “Catalyst Voting” on Google Play store
IOS users: “Catalyst Voting” on IOS store
Registration must be completed before the snapshot date.
Note: there is a registration fee of 0.17 - 0.18 ADA
If you registered before Fund10, you will need to reregister to receive rewards
If you registered before Fund10, we recommend creating a new registration.

Prior registrations will be eligible to cast votes, but not earn rewards.
Important info
If you registered in Fund4, Fund5, Fund6, Fund7, Fund8, Fund9 and/or Fund10 and were able to cast votes - your registration will be automatically valid for Fund11 to cast votes but not to receive rewards (provided you still have your QR and PIN code you don't need to re-register). This does not apply to Fund2 or Fund3 registrations.
Your voting power will be updated during the new snapshot.
Please note that iPhone 6 and before are not supported.
Regardless of your wallet, each registration will provide you with a unique QR and PIN code. These must absolutely be saved. No QR code saved, no vote! No PIN code saved, no vote!
Last updated