Community Review - Submission process (LV0 and LV1)

This page provides information regarding submission process for LV0 and LV1

LV0 and LV1 Community Reviewers will read a proposal and assign it a score between 1 and 5 for each of the 3 criteria (impact, feasibility, and value for money). These are three distinct scores for each of the categories. There is no additional final score as 3 criteria are looked at independently and not added together as an average.

For each of the three criteria, Community Reviewers are required to give their opinion and rationale in English to explain the score and demonstrate the assessor’s critical thinking. A proposal may receive a low score for various reasons, including if the funding application form is incomplete, the applicant cannot be identified, or the project does not comply with Fund13 rules. If a rationale does not correspond with the score given, the review will likely be filtered out in the Moderation Stage.

Community Reviewers should consider and assess proposals and criteria on their own merits. Community Reviewers should only provide their own opinions. Their review should not be the work of others or an AI agent acting on their behalf.

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