Catalyst Team Monthly Reports approval process
Catalyst receives submitted reports on the basis of monthly report (MR) form.
Reviewers check if:
The MR is submitted within the deadline.
The current MR is a duplicate of previously submitted MR. Each report should reflect new information and evidence of progress since the last reporting period
Evidence is different for each project submitted by the same funded-proposer. See what is good evidence / what is not good evidence for ideas.
Evidence is relevant to the approved proposal’s description of deliverables, plan, and timeline
All evidence files and links are able to be opened
There is a clear description of what was provided as evidence in the MR.
If there are discrepancies with the above (b-f), project MR is not approved and the funded-proposer will be notified via Catalyst no-reply email and asked to resubmit the report, or will be asked via email to send a change request(CR) linked form.
Funded Proposer (FP) can re-submit the report before or on the 20th of each month to be re-reviewed for approval and next funding disbursement
In case the MR misses the approval deadline, Catalyst informs FP via mail, whose MR was not approved, that funds will not be released this month and offers a path for resolution to get back on track.
Last updated